Los Angeles Headshot Photographer Robert Olin blogs:
Who really needs the top of their head anyway? But seriously, there is a method to my madness. I want to maximize your face within the limited frame that we have to work with. I have actually been shooting in this style ever since I picked up a camera. In some cases, bald men want to show the top… but other than that, people generally know what the top of your head looks like.
The reason you are getting your headshot done in the first place is so that people recognize you. (Not many people identify you by the top of your head, lol.) So it makes sense that we’d need to see as much of your face as clearly as possible without distracting shadows or backgrounds. So I like to fill up the frame with your head instead of more background and wardrobe.
Left: Josten’s shot cropped in with more emphasis on the face. Right: Shot pulled out a touch more to see the top of his head.
For Business and Corporate Headshots clients who need flexibility with their shots – I shoot the frame wider, and then crop the photos different ways. For Actors and those who really want to make a strong impact – I shoot much closer, fill the frame with their head so we can clearly see their face.
Some photographers will argue that the top of the head is important. If you feel that having or missing the top of your head in the photograph is worth conversation, mention it to your agent/manager or photographer and get their opinions. If the top of your head is needed in the frame, it is super easy to pan the camera up a little bit, or back up a tad.
(these blog posts make me lol.)